How To Add Scheduling Rules to a Block

Updated on January 17, 2024

What’s in This Guide

These are the instructions for adding a Scheduling Rule to a block. The instructions use the Starting After rule as an example.

Adding a Scheduling Rule to a Block

1. Select a block

Cc V2 Scheuling Rules Paragraph Block 1024W

2. Click Enable Controls

Cc V2 Scheduling Enable Controls 643W

3. Expand the User Rules

Click the (+) next to User Rules. You need to expand the User Rules for Content Control to protect your block.

Cc V2 Scheduling Expand User Rules 681W

Either keep the default user rule to allow any logged-in role to see your block or choose a different user rule.

You must expand the User Rules settings for Content Control to protect your block. If you create Scheduling Rules but never expand the User Rules, your Scheduling Rules won’t take effect (i.e., they won’t work).

4. Expand the Scheduling Rules

Now that you’ve expanded the User Rules, you can create a scheduling rule.

Click the (+) next to Scheduling Rules.

Cc V2 Scheduling Expand Scheduling Rules Cr 674W

5. Click Add a schedule

Cc V2 Scheduling Add Schedule Marked 828W

For this tutorial, we want our Block Controls to kick in after a specific time. That means our paragraph block will display only to logged-in visitors starting after the date/time we specify. Check it out.

6. Click Starting After

Cc V2 Scheduling Dropdown Starting After 820W

7. Click the default START DATE

Click the default START DATE to pick a date and time.

Cc V2 Scheduling Start Date 660W

8. Pick a date and time

Use the date and time picker popup to select your start date and time.

Cc V2 Scheduling Date Picker 1024W

The time picker uses a 24-hour clock format (e.g., 00:00:00 is 12:00 a.m., 09:00:00 is 9:00 a.m., and 17:00:00 is 5:00 p.m.). Use the Start of Day preset to set the start time to 00:00:00 with 1 click. Use End of Day for 23:59:59.

Cc V2 Scheduling Time Picker 1019W

Server Time Versus Local Time Zones

The default time zone is Server Time. Server Time uses your WordPress site’s time zone setting (Settings > General > Timezone).

Cc V2 Scheduling Rules Server Time Toggle 696W

Click the Server Time toggle to change it to Local Time.

Cc V2 Block Scheduling Rules Server Local Time

What’s the difference?

Server Time

For Server Time, the restriction turns on after your scheduled time according to the time zone you’ve set up in WordPress.

For example, if your start time is 9:00 a.m. EST, your visitors in London will see your restriction after 2:00 p.m. their time (5 hours ahead of New York).

Wordpress Settings General Timezone 957W

Local Time

Using the example above, if you want your restriction to start after 9:00 a.m. in your visitor’s time zone (wherever they are), use Local Time. That means folks in London can see your restriction after 9:00 a.m., too, but in London time (that would be 4:00 a.m. in New York).

9. Click Publish or Update to save your changes

Cc V2 Scheduling Update Post 970W

Your Turn!

In this guide, we covered only one kind of the available Scheduling Rules (the Starting After rule). What if you need your block restriction rules active starting now until an end date/time or on recurring days every week? Well, you can! That’s because we’ve got a Date Range rule, Weekly Schedule rule, and more.

You can even add multiple schedules to a block. Scope out examples in our Choosing a Schedule Matching Strategy for Block Controls guide.

It’s your turn to give these a try next:

  • Always: Apply block restriction rules all the time. For example, if you have permission to see the block, you can see it any day, any time.
  • Starting After: Apply block restriction rules after a date/time (the example covered in this guide).
  • Ending Before: Apply block restriction rules until an end date/time (the opposite of Starting After).
  • Date Range: Apply block restriction rules between a start and end date/time.
  • Chosen Dates: Apply block restriction rules between a start and end time on any set of dates you pick.
  • Weekly Schedule: Apply block restriction rules on recurring days/times of the week. For example, Monday-Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • Never: Never show your block.

Do you have a new or different scheduling idea you’d like to see? Head over to our support page and let us know 😌

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