What’s in This Guide
This guide covers how to choose who (which user roles) can see your content in your Global Restriction. This is the first of the 3 main steps for creating a Global Restriction.
Are you looking to protect a block instead of using a Global Restriction?
If you want to protect a block for a user role in the WordPress block editor, head over to our How To Add a Restriction to a Block guide.
Who can see your content?
Here’s how you tell Content Control who can see your content.
We’ll use the Subscriber role as an example. I.e., we want anyone logged as a Subscriber to view our content. Any other role (including Administrator) and all logged-out visitors won’t see our content.
1. Add a new Global Restriction or hover over an existing one and click Edit
If this is a new restriction, enter a name for it (e.g., “Subscriber Only”).
2. Click Logged In Users
Then, click Matching in the User Role Dropdown.
3. Click Subscriber
Click the Grant Access checkbox next to the Subscriber role.
4. Click Save Restriction
Click Save Restriction to save your changes.
It’s your turn!
Do you remember that we selected Subscriber as an example? Now, try using any role(s) you want. You can select more than 1 role ✅