Choosing a Schedule Matching Strategy for Block Controls

Updated on January 17, 2024

Content Control Pro allows you to decide who can see your block content and schedule when they can see it. Once a schedule takes effect, the content becomes visible based on what you set in the User Rules.

What’s in This Guide

When you add more than one scheduling rule to your Block Controls, you’ll see an option to CHOOSE SCHEDULE MATCHING STRATEGY.

Cc V2 Choose Schedule Matching

Heads up!
Schedule Matching Strategies only apply when you have more than 1 Scheduling Rule. If you have only 1 Scheduling Rule, you can skip this whole document 😉
If you need to brush up on adding Scheduling Rules, read our How To Add Scheduling Rules to a Block guide.

A schedule matching strategy tells Content Control how you want to handle multiple schedules for your block restriction.

There are 3 schedule matching strategies.

  1. Any schedule matches
  2. All schedules match
  3. None of the schedules match

This guide explains those 3 options.

We’ll run with the Logged In Users scenario in our examples.

Any Schedule Matches (default)

Cc V2 Block Controls Choose Schedule Matching Strategy 351W

Pick this strategy when you have multiple Scheduling Rules, and you want any one of them to apply. Let’s demo what we mean with an example.

Any Schedule Matches Example

We want to show a block to only logged-in visitors on the 3rd whole week of January from 2024-2026. But we know those dates change every year. Not a problem 🙌🏼

Since the dates for the 3rd whole week of January change every year, we can create 3 schedules with the correct start/end dates. Then, we make sure we choose the Any schedule matches strategy, and we’re done!

Cc V2 Scheduling Range Chosen Any 2

All Schedules Match

Use this strategy when you have multiple Scheduling Rules, and you need all of them to apply. Here’s an example to give you a taste of how this works.

All Schedules Matches Example

We want to show a block for about a month only on Mon, Wed, and Fri. We create a Date Range schedule for about 30 days and a Weekly Schedule (Mon, Wed, Fri). Then, we select All schedules match.

Cc V2 Scheduling Range Chosen All

None of the Schedules Match

Choose this strategy when you have multiple Scheduling Rules and want none of the schedules to apply. Let’s walk through an example.

None of the Schedule Matches Example

We want to show a block only on weekends except during the whole month of February 2024. We create a Date Range schedule (1-29 Feb 2024) and a Weekly Schedule (Mon-Fri). Then, we select None of the schedules match. That means only the opposite of those 2 schedules will trigger our User Rules to take effect.

Cc V2 Scheduling Range Weekly None Match

Over to You!

Now, it’s your turn to choose your Schedule Matching Strategy. Drop us a line to let us know how it goes, or tell us what other examples you’d like to see in this doc.

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