Learn how to upgrade to Content Control Pro right now.
This is a step-by-step guide for upgrading from the free version of Content Control to the Pro version.
Before You Start
- Make sure you’ve installed Content Control Lite.
- Have your license key ready to copy and paste it. Head over to our pricing page if you need to purchase a license.
- Be on the Content Control main admin page.
Steps To Upgrade to Pro
Follow these steps to upgrade from Content Control Lite to Pro.
1. Click Settings
2. Click Licensing
3. Enter and activate your Pro license key
Scroll down to the license key field and paste or enter your key. Then, click Activate.
4. Click Connect and Install
In the popup window, click Connect and Install.
The automatic installer didn’t work for me
If the automatic installer doesn’t work, you’ll need to install Pro manually. Go to the manual installation steps now.
5. Click Return to WordPress

Done and done!
Your license and pro features (e.g., WooCommerce integration, custom login support, and advanced block rules) are now active. Congrats 🎉
Since you made it this far
Why don’t you learn how to Create Your First Content Teaser or How To Add Scheduling Rules to a Block next?
Manually Installing Content Control Pro
1. Click download
Click download in the installation failure message.
2. Save the zip file to your computer
3. In your WordPress admin side menu, hover over (or click) Plugins and click Add New
4. Click Upload Plugin
5. Click Choose File
Select the Pro zip file you downloaded earlier.